Celebrating the Don Kelley Band - Ask Zac 206
April 17, 2020
Brent Mason, Redd Volkaert, Johnny Hiland, J.D. Simo, and Daniel Donato reunited with Don Kelley on August 5th 2024 for a one-time concert to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Robert's Western World. Besides being a fete for one of the longtime anchors of Broadway's club scene, it was also a celebration of Don Kelley, and the incredible alumni of his band over the last 40-years. Today, we discuss both the concert and Kelley's influence on Nashville guitarists.
All photos are courtesy of Bob Seaman. Please do not reuse them without his permission.

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D'Addario NYXL 95-44
1957 Esquire
2023 Headstrong Lil' King with 12" Eminence GA-SC64 speaker
Mirage compressor pedal, Boss DM-3 delay
#askzac #reddvolkaert #donkelleyband