My Favorite Backup Amp - The 1985 Peavey Studio Pro 40 - Ask Zac 228

April 17, 2020

I love Peavey amps from the early-to-mid 1980s, because I grew up with them in my favorite music shop, Clawson's Music in Corpus Christi, TX. In my last 80s Peavey episode, I looked at the Special 130, that is a killer amp, but is heavy, way too loud for most gigs, and at times a bit non-intuitive due to the mid-shift and multiple gain controls. My buddy, Mike LoPinto, who plays with Chris Stapleton, clued me into the Studio Pro 40. It checks all of the boxes, as it is easy to carry, has plenty of volume, a full sound with an Eminence 12 inch speaker, and is pretty cheap at the current going price of $100-$200. For me, it is a great grab and go amp, and the perfect amp to take to the gig as a backup to my Headstrong Lil King, or my Fender 1965 Deluxe Reverb.

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