The Dangers of Buying Celebrity-Owned Instruments - Ask Zac 169

April 17, 2020

Thanks to Glaser Bender/Music City Bridge for sponsoring today's episode.

Music City Bridge Guitar Parts

Glaser Benders

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Over the last 15 years, I have had numerous requests for me to help buyers vette their alleged celebrity-owned instruments. Early on, I would try and help them out, tracking down high-profile guitarists, and sending photos to them of the guitars in question. What I ended up learning was that over 90% of the time, the artist would indicate that they never owned the instrument. Today's episode is a warning to anyone who's considering the purchase of a celebrity-owned instrument. Please buy from reputable dealers, and insist on true letters of authenticity and/or photographic proof.

In our book nook segment, I talk about a favorite book on guitar setup and two Merle Haggard books; one to buy, and another to avoid.

Dan Erlewine's Setup Book

David Cantwell's The Running Kind

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