The Modified Broadcaster Telecaster Blend Control & 2 YT Channels I love - Ask Zac 227
April 17, 2020
With the recent visit with a real-deal 1950 Broadcaster, I had the chance to experience the unique tonal options that Leo Fender's original blend control offered over your run-off-the-mill tone control. The only problem, was that awful #1 position, that put a suffocating blanket over the neck pickup. I started searching for a modified wiring scheme, and I found my episode from a couple of years ago with Rick Holmstrom, Mavis Staples' guitarist and bandleader. In it, he described his modified Broadcaster blend wiring that made the first position just a slightly lower volume, and slightly darkened neck pickup sound in position 1. I tried it, and loved it, and am sharing it with you now.
I also share 2 YouTube Channels I have been enjoying, Adam Levy's, and Shane Theriot's.
Info on the wiring:
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