Truetone Lounge - JD Simo Rewind
April 17, 2020
JD Simo is a longtime friend, and also someone who has influenced me musically. We caught him a second time on the Lounge as he was making another musical metamorphosis. Always a treat to get to hang with JD!
JD Simo returns to the Truetone Lounge to talk about his forthcoming blues album and his work with Phil Lesh and Friends. Along the way, Simo discusses some of his favorite blues players, including Earl Hooker, Jimmie Vaughan, Anson Funderburgh, Pee Wee Crayton and Ike Turner, demonstrating many of their playing styles for good measure. JD also shares with us one of the most important facets of playing that he believes guitarists should work on, being assertive with your fretting hand, and we look at his 1952 Gibson ES-5, and his mid 50’s Stratocaster.